CSS Variables Using PHP.
How to Add Variables to Your CSS Files | Nettuts+.
using internal css in php - Stack Overflow.
Highlight PHP and JavaScript Code with PHP | CSS-Tricks.Jun 21, 2006. im a bit lost on how the hell you add css styling into the PHP page? the css..but im not quite sure exactly WERE in the code i place the CSS? May 17, 2006. For more flexibility one can include other styles directly in CSS, skipping the PHP code. This can be done by using @import url("my-style.css");.
How do you style your PHp with CSS?? [Archive] - CodingForums.com.
Where do I put my custom CSS & PHP code that I found on the.
add css to php code
add css to php code
php config variable into css files / Forums / Community / EllisLab.
Including external Javascript and CSS files in PHP « Naveen S.In my css div.image { width:<?php echo get_image_size( $size[1] ); ?>. Better solution you can set a header for the css / php file in my example. I have written along php code. its purely php.. but now i want to add the style using css. im not understaning how i can put css code in it. if i. Jul 25, 2011. Custom CSS rules for your forms belong at the end of your theme stylesheet. Action hooks and filters belong in your theme's functions.php file. Aug 16, 2011. can you post your php generated CSS code? – Mamaduka Aug 16. Then you can add a simple css include in your header file. // header.php.
wordpress - How can I add the following css code to my page.