Deem Definition.
Precedent: Definition with Precedent Pictures and Photos.
Meaning of precedent in Hindi.The legal definition of Deem is To accept a document or an event as conclusive of a. "The precedents interpreting the word deemed are agreed in deciding that.
precedent - Definition from Longman English Dictionary Online.Similar words: civil law Definition: the body of laws established by a state or nation for its own regulation. Synonyms: precedent Definition: a subject mentioned. Reverso offers you access to an English definition and synonym dictionary for precedent and thousands of other words. You can complete the definition of.
precedent definition | English definition dictionary | Reverso Collins.
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Synonyms for precedent | English Thesaurus.
define the word precedent
Persuasive Precedent Law & Legal Definition.The legal definition of Stare Decisis is Latin: stay with what has been decided.. A basic principle of the law whereby once a decision (a precedent) on a. in Duhaime's Legal Dictionary, or if you have suggestion for a legal term, we'd love to. ChaCha Answer: This case has been within precedent of my last c.. What is the definition of the word form in a literary sense? Form, a noun, is the external.